Election nung asen temeden, metetsüyim aser temerenshi

– I. IMKONG JAMIR, Retainer lawyer,
Mokokchung District Legal Services Authority, Mokokchung, Nagaland.

Alima tesem ajak nung nisungtem bangdak kübok alitsü atemzüka yutsü aser Pa o atalok. Laishiba aser alima otsütem züngdangra chubatem aser yimsüsürtemi ramoka yimsü asüba angur. Chubatem aser yimsüsürtem shimdang nütsüng nüburtemi ochi aser tangatetba nung shimtetba chubatem aser yimsüsürtemi Tsüngrem temulung chidaktsü aser parnok yimli tamaren kümdaktsü saka Tsüngrem aser nisung anema shimtetba yimsüsürtem azükaru masü aser parnok yimli lao.
Tanü asen tendak nung yimsüsürtem alima tejakleni aniba lenirtem asütsü shimteta yimsü südaktsür. Parnok ya election ajanga shimer. Yimsüsürtem shimba yimya ya tapu anasü nung shimer. Koba linük nungsa army/military yimsüsüba lidir, (Martial Law) iba linük/lima nungji election magir aser lenirtem shimba nung nüburtem shilem magütsür saka koba linük nung nüburtemi shilem agia lenirtem shimer, iba yimsüsüba yimya dang Democracy ta ajar. Democracy tetezü nüburtem ajaki shilem agia lenir shimer sorkar amenteta ayuba. (Democracy means government by the whole population usually through elected representatives-Oxford Dictionary) Nüburtemi shilem agia yimsüsürtem shimer sorkar yangluteter yimsü asüba dang democratically elected government ta ajar. Abraham Lincon-i Democracy tetezü “Nüburtem Sorkar-Nüburtemi amentetba aser nüburtem asoshi sorkar” ta ratetsüba ya kanga tapet lir ( Government of the People-By the people- and for the people).
Tebur aser tetsür küm 18 nungi tema election nung shilem agia vote (right to vote) agütsütsü Section 62 (1) The Representation of the People Act, 1951 nung temeden agüja lir saka iba ya Section 16 The Representation of People Act, 1950 nung shia aliba ama pa/la-ji:
a. Indian citizen masünungbo (not a citizen of India)
b. Mata malemer (unsound mind) o akaba ki (court) ajanga sangdonga lira
c. Election sentakba nung mapa tamajung kar inyakba (corrupt practices) ajanga vote agütsütsü temeden agiinür alirtem (disqualified) electoral roll nung tenüng aitsü memelar.
Corrupt practices section 123 Representation of People Act, 1951
Election süngjema agitsü mechi temzüng/ozüng balala lateta yutsüba anema mapa tamajung inyakba (Corrupt practices) mapatem:
i. Süpokrem (bribery) – Sen alemba (distribution of money)
ii. Sen agi vote alizüktsü merangba, (influence or purchase of votes)
iii. Vote agütsüdaktsütsü mechi nung tenangzükba balala ayuba, (Promise or agreement for a reward in the form of money, employment etc)
iv. Voter ka tangar candidate nem vote magütsüdaktsütsü mechi nangzüktepba ayuba,
(induce or promise by a candidate or his agent to an elector a reward to refrain from voting)
v. Candidate mesüra elector (voter) pa/la densema aliba lokti nungi jendoktsü mesüra yirudaktsütsü tashiyim agi amokmerenba (threaten)
vi. Elector ka candidate kar support asüba ajanga manguba tanela mepelar ta shia amangdaktsüba (divine displeasure/spiritual censure),
vii. Candidate mesüra nisung kari tamangba, kin, oshi (language) nung ajemdaker elector kar vote magütsüdaktsütsü merangba, tamangba yimsü, kin kidong, loktiliba mesüra oshi nung ajemdaker tsükchitep kümdaktsüba, (communal disharmony)
viii. Tangar candidate anema matalokba oren mesüra candidateba libaliru yimya osang kaket balala nung sangdongba (publication of any untrue statement in connection to personal character and conduct of the candidate)
ix. Telatet gari mesüra tanga talongtsü election nung amshitsüba dang tali hire süa election nung amshiba,
x. Election Commission-i lateta yutsüba dak tali senotsü amshiba/indokba,
xi. Election mapang nung sorkar kübok inyakertem gazetted officer, judges/magistrate, members of Armed forces of the Union, police and excise officers candidate tajangzük asoshi teyari agiba.
Item yimya balala ya election mapang amshitsü/inyaktsü memelar.
Electoral offences and Penalties:
Section 125: Nisung kari election mapang nung nüburtem tsüngda tsükchitep adokdaktsüra temerenshi küm asem (three years) tashi tepuokdak ayutsü mesüra senchi alitsü mesüra anaprongla agi merenshitsü.
Section 126: Election agitsü ghonda 48 aser polling matem tashi shinga meeting magitsü, procession malitsü mesüra meeting nung madentsü. Kari aibelenra temerenshi küm ana (two years) tashi tepuokdak ayutsü mesüra senchi alitsü mesüra anapronglai merenshitsü.
Section 127: Election meeting agiba mapang kari timtem agütsüra ita trok (six months) tashi tepuokdak ayutsü mesüra senchi alitsü mesura anapronglai merenshitsü.
Section 127-A: Pamphlets aser posters teyanglur tenüng, address aser tadoker medeni kecha meyanglutsü. Aibelenra, temerenshi ita trok (six months) tashi tepuokdak ayutsü mesüra senchi Rs. 2,000/ (two thousand) achitsü mesüra anaprong repa merenshitsü.
Section 128: Election nung presiding officer, polling officer, teyaritepertem, candidate atema agent mapa inyakertem mesüra tangar shingaia vote agütsüba anogo nung inyakbatem züludena ayudang (recording) mesüra vote azüngba mapang tangari memetetdaktsüi inyaktsüla. Kari iba nung aibelenra ita asem (three months) tashi tepuokdak ayutsü mesüra senchi alitsü mesüra anaprong jagi merenshitsü.
Section 129: Election mapang sorkar mapa nung inyaker candidate atema vote bushia mesüra vote agütsütsü shinga candidate atema meinyaktsü, putetra temerenshi ita trok (six months) tashi tepuokdak ayutsü mesüra senchi alitsü mesüra anaprong jagi merenshitsü.
Section 130: Meter 100 (one hundred meter) aser iba tekübok Polling station anasa shinga vote bushia (canvassing) mesenzütsü mesüra candidate kar atema mesüzüka mejembitsü mesüra candidate kar anema vote magütsütsü indang mejembitsü mesüra election official notice dak alaka kecha tesayuba malitsü. Aibelenra, temerenshi senchi Rs, 250/- alitsü.
Section 131: Polling anogo nung polling booth anasa shingaia megaphone mesüra loud speaker amshitsü memelar mesüra tangar nem timtem agütsütsüsa masatsü (shout). Tashi mangai aibelenra, ita trok (six months) tepuokdak ayutsü mesüra senchi alitsü mesüra anaprong jagi merenshitsü.
Section 132: Polling mapang polling station anasa ajaki tashi anga alitsüla; Kari tashi mangai inyakra pa/la iba nungi meindoktsü. Tanaben tashi manga-i mesüra temelaba magii station telungi aitra temerenshi ita asem (three months) tashi tepuokdak ayutsü mesüra senchi alitsü mesüra anaprong jagi merenshitsü.
Section 132 A: Kari voting inyakyim nung aibelenra mesüra lateta aliba teinyaktsü nung manidakra pa/la vote-ji katitsü (cancel).
Section 133: Section 123 clause (5) nung agüja alibatem nung kari aibelenra, temerenshi ita asem (three months) tashi tepuokdak ayutsü aser senchi alitsü.
Section 134: Election mapang sorkar tenzüker kari kuli tejangja makai pa/la lemzükba nung tamakok aludaktsüra mesüra aibelenra temerenshi senchi Rs. 500/ alitsü.
Section 134-A: Sorkar mapa nung inyaker kari election agent, polling agent mesüra counting agent inyakba putetra temerenshi ita asem (three months) tashi tepuokdak ayutsü mesüra senchi alitsü mesüra anaprong jagi merenshitsü.
Section 134-B: Polling anogo nung Presiding officer, polling officer mesüra polling sentakba nung sorkari shimba nisungtem alaka shinga-ia perangpong, injang, nok, nü etc polling station anasa bener marutsü mesüra temeket nung bener mesenzütsü. Putetra temerenshi küm ana (two years) tepuokdak ayutsü mesüra senchi alitsü anaprong jagi merenshitsü.
Section 135: Election mapang temelaba makai nisung kari ballot paper tangai bener ora mesüra bener odaktsütsü merangra temerenshi küm ka (one year) tepuokdak ayutsü mesüra senchi Rs. 500/ alitsü mesura anaprong jagi merenshitsü.
Section 135-A: Nisung kari polling booth tashiyim agi atsüngtettsü (Booth capturing) merangra temerenshi küm ka nungi küm asem (one to three years) tepuokdak ayutsü aser senchi alitsü. Iba aibelen ya sorkar mapa nung inyaker süra tajemba agi küm asem nungi küm pungu tashi tepuokdak ayutsü aser senchi alitsü.
Section 135-B: Industrial undertaking mesüra business trade nung inyakertem ajak iba anogo nung (Polling day) vote agütsütsü asoshi sodi (holiday) asütsü aser iba anogo indang kecha ita sen mesüra allowance nungi katizüktsü makok. (No deductions from salary or allowance).
Aibelenra temerenshi senchi Rs. 500/ achitsü.
Section 135-C: Polling anogo nung vote agütsüdak jaka/tesem aser temeket kecha nunga yi (alcohol) mamshitsü, mayoktsü, magütsütsü mesüra malemtsü. Aibelenra temerenshi ita trok (six months) tepuokdak ayutsü aser senchi Rs. 2,000/ tashi alitsü mesüra anaprong jagi merenshitsü.
Section 136: Nisung kari election nung:-
i. Nomination papers menentsüra mesüra raksatsüra,
ii. Sorkar ajanga yokba shititem (letters) information (osangtem) menentsüra mesüra raksatsüra,
iii. Ballot paper menentsüra mesüra raksatsüra,
iv. Ballot paper dak alaka memelaba oset mesüra papers ballot box nung inoktsüra,
v. Temelaba makai ballot box lapokra,
vi. Tiyazü nung documents kar mesüktepa yanglur amshitsü merangba putetra temerenshi küm ana (two years) tashi tepuokdak ayutsü mesüra senchi alitsü mesüra anaprong jagi merenshitsü.
Aibelenba nisung ya tenüng electoral roll nung maliba nisung süra temerenshi ita trok
(six months) tepuokdak ayutsü mesüra senchi alitsü mesüra anaprong jagi merenshitsü.
Election temzüng nung senso candidate (so called village consensus candidate) indang kecha shisema mali. Tanü Naga lima nung election mapang yimtsüng aika nung senso candidate ta tenüng jateter election nung toktepdaktsür (contest) mesüra tangar candidate ka nungita yariteper. Kija aser lokti tangatetba agi lungjemer candidate ka takok ngudaktsütsü merangbaji kanga tajung saka senso tenüng amer tashiyim agi senso ka vote agütsütsü temeden (right to vote) agienbaji temzüngi memelar, yamaji kari inyakra ozüng tapet agi merenshitsü.

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