India nung Mobile amshir timba aliba state ji Uttar Pradesh

India nung Uttar Pradesh state nung mobile phone amshir timba lir ta Socio Economic and Caste Census 2011 ajanga metetdaktsüogo. UP nütsüng yongsük noklang shilem nung 86.63% ket nung mobile phone lir ta bushitetba osang nung shia lir.

Ano mobile phone ishiba amshiba state-ji Odisha state lir aser idagji nütsüng yongsük noklang shilem nung 33.56% agi dang mobile amshir.

Aser ano north India (Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab aser Haryana) amala nungbo 80% agi amshir, east India nung 62 %, West India nung 63 % , South India nung 75%, Central India nung 70 % aser north-east India 63% amshir ta Socio Economic and Caste Census 2011 ajangasa metetdaktsüogo.

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