3 buba friendship motorcycle rally Dimapur nungi tenzükogo

3 buba friendship motorcycle rally Dimapur nungi tenzükogo

December 07, 2015 nü Royal Enfield anishirtem 3buba Friendship Motorcycle Rally mapang Khonoma nung anenzükdang tangokba noksa ka angur.

Dimapur, December 07 (TYO): 3buba Friendship Motorcycle Rally December 07, 2015 nü Dimapur nungi Abu Metha-i tenzüktsüogo.
Iba rally nung India tesem balala nungi Royal Enfield anishir nisung 40 dena ajak agi parnok nisung 110, Dimapur nungi apusogo. Parnok Khonoma nung chiyungba sülen Kisama Heritage Village-i atutsü aser iba sülen Kohima Village-i aotsü.
Friendship Rally ya Nagaland Motorcycle Club-i department of Tourism den lungjemer ayongba lir.
Hornbill benjung den külemi akaba sentong ya ajanga state nung tourism tali ajungkettsü nükjidong den India tesem balala aser bendang linüktem nungia motorcycle anishirtem Hornbill benjung nung shilem agitsü maongka lapoktsür.

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