43 Tapi Assembly Constituency bye-election tiptema agiogo

Dimapur, Yimpoksüi/Nov. 07 (TYO): Election Commission of India ajanga sangdongba ama 43 Tapi Assembly Constituency atema bye-election November 7, 2023 nü agia liasü, ta Chief Electoral Officer, Nagaland, Vyasan R, IAS ajanga sangdong ka nung ashi.

Polling nung lendong timtem atalokba meliasü aser tesunep nung agi. 43 Tapi AC nungi electors temi polling station 23 prong nung pei franchise amshia liasü. Nikongdang 4:00 ako nung polling shibangba mapang voter turnout ration ya shilem 96.25 liasü, ta sangdong ajangasa ashi.

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