4buba E-Naga Summit alitsü

Kohima, Yimpoksüi/November 28 (TYO): Department of Information Technology and Communication, Government of Nagaland-i ayongzüka November 30, 2018 anepdang 9:00 ako nungi NBCC Convention Centre, Kohima nung “Building IT Infrastructure to make the State of Nagaland the next IT hub in South East Asia” omen nung ajemdaker 4buba e-Naga Summit akatsü, ta tanü ketdangsertem osang ka ajanga metetdaktsü.
e-Naga Summit 2018 nung jembitsü onüktem rongnung- eGovernance, Artificial Intelligence, Smart Cities, Digital India, Cyber Security densema lir aser iba sentong nung Estonia aser Finland densema linük balala nungi mongintemi shilem agitsü, ta kasa osang ajangasa metetdaktsü.

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