May 14, 2016 n nü IBIS hotel Singapore nung Parliamentary Secretary IPR Khekaho Assumi den Carol woo, Bhavani aser Nagaland nungi aoba media telok külemi agiba noksa angur.
Dimapur, May 15 (TYO) : Information & Public Relations Parliamentary Secretary, Khekaho Assumi-i anir züngsem 9 agi akümba telok ka Singapore, Malaysia aser Thailand semdangi oa lir.
Iba telok nung IPR ketdangsertem aser Nagaland nung media nisungtem dena lir.
Parnok May 13, 2016 nü Singapore atong aser Singapore nung media nung takotet nisungtem den ajurutepa senden ka amen.
Iba mapang Public Relations Consultant aser Institute of Public Relations Singapore nung taoba Tir, Bhavani aser Singapore Corps senior journalist, Carol Woo nati shisalen aika agüja liasü.
Senden nung Parliamentary Secretary, Khekaho-i Singapore nungi media nisungtem dang kanga pelaba metetdaktsü aser paisa Nagaland indang sobaliba metetdaktsü aser parnok Hornbill Festival nung arua adentsü jaok.
Khekaho-i Singapore nungi media nisungtem nem Naga nunger sü tabentsü, aou agi yangluba osettem, Nagaland mojitsü, chiyungtsütem aser tanga sempettem agütsü.
IBIS hotel Singapore nung senden amendang Joint Director IPR, Tokishe Sema-i tesentepertem pela agizük.
Iba telok ya May 16, 2016 nü Malaysia-i aotsü aser idak nungjagi May 18 nü Bangkok-i aotsü.
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