YoCW tenzükogo; Lanur 550 training agütsütsü

March 25, 2017 nü Dr. T. M Lotha aser tangartemi YoCW indang curriculum sayatsüba noksa angur.

Kohima, March 25 (TYO) : Honibarnü Directorate of Employment, SD&E nung Advisor, labor and employment, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (SD&E), treasuries and accounts, Dr. T.M Lotha-i “Year of Construction Workers (YoCW)” tenzüktsüogo.
“Bilemer saka mapabo meinyakba aser tangari inyakba nung ashishtepba yimya toktsür asenoki mapa inyaktsü yimya sübadi,” ta tanü YoCW tenzüktsüdang Dr. T.M Lotha-i tesentepertem ayongzük.
Iba mapatong ya Zynorique Initiative Society (ZIS) aser Youth Net na den yaritepa tenzüker.
Dr. T.M Lotha-i Nagaland contractors & suppliers union dang construction mapa nung mapa shia meteta alir aser training agiba lanurtem amshitsü atema mepishia metetdaktsü.
Sorkari kümshia terenlok mapa inyakba nung sen endokba teimbaka construction maparen atema endoker. State ngur küm 50 süia aruaka, skilled human resources maliba ajanga iba wadang ya mapa angudak tongti ka lir, ta paisa shisem.
Nagaland nung architects, engineers aser technical diploma holders aika lir saka construction mapa inyaker peria mali. Iba jagi asenoki tanga state tem nungi arurtem teyari agitsüsa akümer, ta Advisor-isa ashi.
Iba sentong nung Principal Secretary School Education, F. P Solo-i o tatsüka jembidang Vision Document 2030 nung Nagaland rongsenkettsüng melenshitsü atema benoka aliba onüktem rongnung lanurtem skill development indang tongti süa benoka lir, ta ashi.
Külen, Advisor Youthnet Hekani-ia ashiba agi, YoCW ya mapa angutsü aser pei poksüng aayanga litettsü atema tongtipang mapatong ka lir.
Laisa Alobo Naga-i ken mejema atenba sayatsü aser laisa Sinlo Kemp-i logo creative design asüba, Lichan Humtsoe-i photography, Sesino Yhoshu Take One-i video aser Dreamz Unlimited-i theme song video nung yaritepba atema pelaba metetdaktsü.
Sentong nungsa Director ZIC Richard Belho-i o jembidang, mezüng atema lanur 550 dak tenük yoktsü aser parnokji district shia nungi lanur 50 asütsü. Parnok nem hopta ka atema training course agütsütsü, ta metetdaktsü.
Maneni mobile training facility agütsütsü aser training agir nem construction uniforms agütsütsü. Training ji ITI centres nung agitsü aser Longleng o Kiphiri nung ITI ano melapoki lir, anungji district administration den yaritepa training agütsütsü, ta Richard Belho-isa ashi.

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