Assam elections atema sepai 53000 mapa lemzükja lir

Guwahati, April 3 (Agencies) : Hombarnü Assam nung Assembly constituency 65 nung election shilem mezüngbuba agitsü aser iba asoshi sepai 53000 tashi mapa lemzüktsüogo.
Sepai company 535 nungi 433 ji central forces lir aser company 102 ji state police nungi lir, ta Assam Chief Electoral Officer, Vijayendra-i Deobarnü metetdaktsü.
Yimtsüngtem nung aliba polling station ajak aser jilatem nung polling stations noklang nung shilem 82 tashi central company temi mita anüktsü, ta Vijayendra-isa ashi.
Polling station 12,190 nungi ‘critical’ polling stations 1,241, ‘hypersensitive’ 1,992 aser ‘sensitive’ 3,739 ta ajitetogo.
Ano polling stations 999 tashi ‘shadow area’ kübok züngokogo aser item tesemji telephone connectivity mali aser Assam Police Radio Organisation ajanga reprangtsü, ta Assam Chief Electoral Officer-isa metetdaktsü.

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