Bharti Airtel-i ‘data cashback offer’ lapokogo

New Delhi, October 29 (Agencies): Bharti Airtel-i Brihostibar nü parnok service amshirtem ajangzüktsü asoshi ‘data cashback & data share offers’ lapoktsüogo, ta company sangdong ka ajanga ashi.
“‘Airtel data cashback offer’ inyakyim nung ajemdaker tang nungi tenzüka anepdang 12:00 ako nungi 6:00 ako tashi 2G, 3G aser 4G Airtel data amshirtem nem anepdang shia noklang nung data shilem 50 meyipa enoktsütsü,” ta Bharti Airtel consumer business nung director Srini Gopalan-i metetdaktsüogo.

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