BJP-i Kerala aser West Bengal election atema sepai peria meshir

New Delhi, February 15 (Agencies): Taküm West Bengal aser Kerala state assembly election nung lendong ataloktsü tsübua Hombarnü BJP-i Election Commission (EC) dang, item state ana nung central sepaitem aser observer tem peria agütsütsüla, ta memorandum ka ajanga mepishiogo.

Party nungi teshimtet telok kati Election Commission nem tezüluba nung temepishiba ka agütsüba den külemi Kerala aser West Bengal nung tetsübu tarendak kecha makai election junga agitettsü atema mera agitsüla ta khangogo.

Union minister, Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi leniba nung BJP teloki, Kerala nung 2016 election atema agütsüba voters’ list nung tashishitsü aika lir, ta ashi.

“Tatishitsü ka, 2011 küm census nung Kerala nütsüngji 3,34,06,061 lir, saka voters list nung vote agütsütsüpurtem nisung 2,56,27,620 sayur, iba ya khenyongi tamakoktsü, kechiyong census nungji arishi küm 18 ser tekübokpurtem-a densema lir,” ta BJP-i temepishiba nungji shia lir.

“Iba dak alia Kerala nung malirtem (non-resident Keralites) lakh 23.63 shi voters list nungji densema mali. Item tai ya tangsa metongshitsü BJP lenirtemi akhanger aser on-line ajanga voters registration maneni agitsüla,” ta kasa tezüluba nung shia lr.

BJP-i, Kerala nung election ochishia magitsü atema yimtenren party karibo rara adokdaktsütsü aser timtem agütsütsü, ta ashi.

Parnokisa, West Bengal tesem ajaklen lokti tsüngda maneni rarateper, ta ashi.

“BJP nung inyakertem noklang aika tepsetogo. Ketdangser aser police ketdangsertemi sorkar tashi nung aliba party züngsemtem ama inyaker. West Bengal nung district karbo linük anemba tesem mesüka kümogo. Sorkar tashi nung aliba party-i ibaji ola madoki odang repranga toktsür mesüra parnok kümzüker,” ta BJP-i EC dang ashi.

West Bengal aser Kerala na dak alia taküm Assam, Pudducherry aser Tamil Nadu nunga assembly election agitsü.

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