CBCMHK-i combined Fathers’ Camp ayongzüka agitsü

Kohima, Rongjui/September 10 (TYO): Chakhesang Baptist Church Ministers’ Hill, Kohima (CBCMHK), Men Fellowship Department lenisüba kübok Thürütsüswü aser Khütsa Baptist Arogo tem atema combined Fathers’ Camp ka September 13 nungi 15 nü tashi Thürütsütswü Baptist Church nung agitsü sentong yanglua lir. Iba sentong ya “Stand firm in the Faith; Be Men of Courage.” (1 Corinthians 16:13) omen nung ajemdaker agitsü.
Camp Media Coordinator, Kuzhovesa Soho-i sangdong ka ajanga ashiba agi, CBCMHK Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Vevo Phesao, Pastor, Rev. Dr. Wepre Mero, Associate Pastor, Thujoneyi Veswuh, Deacon, Mayhu Sasü aser Dr. Itolü Tünyi nungeri iba camp mapang o jembitsü aser kasa mapang nung CBCMHK Associate Pastor, Asüne Swuro lenisüba kübok ‘Devotional Talk’ sentong agitsü.
“Stand Firm in the Lord; Be Me of courage”, “Renewing Marital Vows and Relationship”, “The power of faith, prayer and blessings”, “Seek the Lord and live”, “Righteous father”, “Father’s role in the church and the society today”, “As for me and my family we will serve the Lord”, “Father’s role in parenting” aser “Healthcare” amala onük nung ajemdaker camp mapang o jembirtemi jembitsü.
Iba camp mapang gospel worship services pongu agitsü koba Vemüsü Cürha, Surhoneyi Soho, Vethikhoyi Khamo Kevechüpe Koza aser Cekhwüsayi Swuro nungeri melentepa len anitsü aser kasa mapang nung Fellowship service lenirji Liengute Doulo asütsü.
Camp nung adener shia dang nungi registration fee ama sen 50 agitsü. Maneni camp peyong atema pen, file aser slip pad ajak agütsütsü. Sentong achaayanger temi iba sentong takok nung agitettsü atema tamanger ajak dang sarasadem nung nungita yaritsü asoshi mepeshia metetdaktsüogo.

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