Dimapur nung mapa bushir tenüng 21301 züluoka lir

Dimapur, April 5 (TYO): District Employment Office, Dimapur nung December 2016 tashi nung mapa bushir nisung 21301 indang tenüng züluoka liasü.
District employment exchange nung tenüng züloka alirtem rongnung tebur 13361 aser tetsür 8003 lir, ta District Employment Officer, Dimapur-i metetdaktsü.
Lanur aika zünger mapa manguba khuret atema Regional Employment Exchange, Kohima nung self-employment Promotion Cell ka lapoka lir aser iba ajanga district ajak nung Self Employment maparen inyaker, ta DEO, Dimapur-isa ashi.
Self-employment atema nisung 1950-i tenüng züluoka lir aser scheme balala nung lanur 571 tashi teyari nguogo. Maneni department-isa mapa inyaktsü jangraba lanurtem yaritsü atema maparen balala inyaker, ta DEO-isa shisem.
April 5, 2017 nü April ita Dimapur District Planning & Development Board senden amendang District Employment Officer, Dimapur-i department indang powerpoint presentation aser osang metetdaktsüdang iba osang metetdakja liasü.
Sendenji Deputy Commissioner indang Conference Hall nung agi aser Dimapur DC, Kesonyu Yhome, IAS menden liasü.
Senden nung Women Industrial and Training Institute (WITI)-ia parnoki inyakba mapatem indang presentation ka agütsü.
Senden nung adenertemi Spring Valley School, Society, Dimapur, Sovima Samipfuko Krotho, Business Association of Nagas (BAN), Dimapur, LI-WU Society, Akito Village aser KIVI Society, Akito Village tem registration asütsü atema sorkar dangi abentsü telemtetba agi.
Tanü DPDB senden nungsa Tahekhu Block-IV (Rangapahar Crossing) nung bank ka lapoktsü atema tebilembatem lemsatep aser iba atema DCC nem detail report ka yanglutsü mapa lemzüktsü.

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