Dimapur nung ‘Michael Learns to Rock’ teloki kententsü

MLTR-ConcertDecember 10, 2015: 1990s mapang lanurtem aika atema kentener telok, ‘Michael Learns to Rock’ (MLTR) ya nüngtugu telok ka lir; Denmark linük nungi MLTR teloki “Sleeping Child”, “The Actor” aser “Paint My Love” densema ken tajung aika tena lir aser parnoki India semdanga asüng (December 11) Gurhgaon nung kenten sentong akaba sülen Guwahati, Dimapur (December 15, 2015), Kolkata aser Goa sema kententsü.

Iba ya par telok indang ’25 Live’ ta ser küm 25 ajungba silver jubilee benjungmung dak sentaktepa lir.

“India nung onok sapur aika lir. Onoki India nung onok sapurtem ajuruner aser onoki parnok atema kententsüba mapang parnok dak tepela jak nguner,” ta par telok nung drum atemsang, Kare Wanscher-i ashi.

1988 küm high-school cafe band ka ama tentetba telok nung züngsemtemji kentener-keyboard atemer, Jascha Richter, guitar atemer Mikkel Lentz aser drummer Kare Wanscher nunger lir.

2005 küm par teloki Shillong nung kentena live kensep ka adokba den külemi 2010 küm nunga India nung aliba yimti asem nung kentenogo.

“Live Musical Adventures of Michael Learns to Rock-I Walk This Road Alone” live kensep nung 14 live audio recording lir aser timbaka September 2005 nung Shillong concert indang lir.

Par telokisa “Eternity” kensep ajungkettsütsü atema 2010 June ita nung Mumbai, Delhi aser Bengaluru yimtitem nung kenten sentong ayonga kaogo.

Asür ‘King of Pop’ Michael Jackson-i ajungmesoba telok MLTR-i studio kensep 8 adokogo aser record million 11 dak tema yokogo.

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