DC & Chairman DLCC Dimapur, Kesonyu Yhome IAS den Tobacco Free School kulikaket angurtem külemi agiba noksa ka angur.
Dimapur, March 16 (TYO) : Dimapur DC conference Hall nung 4th Quarterly 2015-2016 atema District Level Coordination Committee Review senden amen.
Iba senden nung mendenji Dimapur Deputy Commissioner aser DLCC Dimapur District Chairman, Kesonyu Yhome, IAS liasü.
Senden nung Dimapur DC-i Tobacco Free School kulikakettem angur nem tenüngsang agütsü aser iba mapa nendaka inyaktsü ayongzük.
DC-isa district kübok aliba reju balala nung tekolakpurtemi moko anema raraba mapa nung shilem agitsü ayongzük.
Senden nung Dimapur Naga Students Union (DNSU) aden aser DC-isa parnok dang anti tobacco campaign nung tongti shilem agitsü mepishia metetdaktsü.
Senden nung “Smoke Free Dimapur” onük benoka olemtep aser iba dak sendakba nung tebilemba aika lematep. Senden nung adenertemisa sorkar school tem nung anti tobacco sign boards ayutsü indang onükji bangdak department dangi abentsü lemtet.
Senden nung Goodwin Higher Secondary School, Chumukedima Principal, Mhasino-i “Being a Tobacco Free School” indang presentation ka sayu.
Holy Cross Higher Secondary School, Dimapur, C-Edge College, Dimapur, St Savio Higher Secondary School, Dimapur, Agape School, Chummukidima, Daeshin Academy, Dimapur, St Francis School, Medzephima aser St Mary Montessory Higher Secondary School, Dimapur nunger nem ‘Tobacco Free School Certificate’ agütsü.
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