Kohima, June 22 (TYO) : Hombarnü de Oriental Grand, Kohima nung MP & Parliamentary Standing Committee on Rural Development Chairman, Dr. P. Venugopal-i anir MP temi State Bank of India aser State Department ketdangsertem den sensaksemba mapang ka agi.
Iba senden nung MGNREGA, PMGSY, PMKSY, IAY, NRLM, NRDWP, Swacch Bharat Mission, NSAP, Annapurna scheme amala Centrally Sponsored Schemes aser Nagaland nung bank dak sendakba maparen tem indang onük benoka lemsatep.
Senden nung infrastructure mejungi aliba, mapang shia anentsüh timtem ajuruba, banking infrastructure maliba, State
State Bank of India, Rural Development, Land Resources, PHED, PWD & R&B (PMGSY) nungertemi power point presentation ajanga parnoki inyakba mapatem indang osang metetdaktsü.
Senden nung State Bank of India (SBI), Irrigation & Flood Control, Land Resources, Agriculture, Rural Development, Social Welfare, PWD (R&B), Land Revenue aser Food & Civil Supplies State department tem aden.
MP temi Khonoma aser Jotsoma yimtsüngtem semdang aser village level lennirtem o Self Help Groups (SHGs) den ajurutepa sensaksem.
Parnokisa MGNREGA gari lenmangtem aser Department of Land Resources kübok Watershed Development Programmes semdang. Iba mapang Khonoma aser Jotsoma Village Council temi Rural Development atema tezüluba agütsü.
Lok Sabha aser Rajya Sabha nungi MP 21-i anogo asemnü atema Nagaland semdangi aru aser parnok tanü New Delhi-i apusoa ogo.

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