India nung Uttar Pradesh state nung mobile phone amshir timba lir ta Socio Economic and Caste Census 2011 ajanga metetdaktsüogo. UP nütsüng yongsük noklang shilem nung 86.63% ket nung mobile phone lir ta bushitetba osang nung shia lir.
Ano mobile phone ishiba amshiba state-ji Odisha state lir aser idagji nütsüng yongsük noklang shilem nung 33.56% agi dang mobile amshir.
Aser ano north India (Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab aser Haryana) amala nungbo 80% agi amshir, east India nung 62 %, West India nung 63 % , South India nung 75%, Central India nung 70 % aser north-east India 63% amshir ta Socio Economic and Caste Census 2011 ajangasa metetdaktsüogo.
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