New Delhi, June 24 (Agencies): India nung ano nisung 54,069 dak coronavirus putet aser iba tashidak agi shiranger 1,321 süogo, ta Brihostibarnü Union Health Ministry-i metetdaktsü.
Tang tashi nung India linük nung nisung 3,00,82,778 dak coronavirus putetogo aser iba tashidak agi shiranger 3,91,981 süogo.
Tang linük nung coronavirus agi teshirangdakpur 6,27,057 dang kümogo aser ibaji coronavirus caseload nungi shilem 2.08 dang lir.
Brihostibarnep 7:00 ako tashi nung India nung coronavirus vaccine dose crore 30.16 agütsüogo aser iba nungji tesüiba ghonda 24 tsüngda dose lakh 64.89 agütsüba densema lir.
Anogo shia positive putetba shilem 2.91 dang kümogo aser hopta shia positive putetba shilem-a 3.04 dang kümogo, ta Health Ministry-i metetdaktsü.
Linük nung coronavirus tashidak agi shiranger 2,90,63,740 anepogo aser iba tashidak agi shiranger asüba shilem 1.30 kümogo.
Bodhbarnü samples 18,59,469 tendanga liasü aser tang tashi nungbo samples ajak senteper 39,78,32,667 tendangogo, ta ICMR-i metetdaktsü.
Tesüiba ghonda 24 tsüngda coronavirus agi nisung 1,321 asü aser nisung timba asüba state temji Maharashtra (508), Tamil Nadu (166), Kerala (150) aser Karnataka (123) state tem lir.
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