September 22, 2015: Bollywood actress, Kajol taruba hopta New York nung United Nations General Assembly aser Global Citizen Festival sentong nung adentsü. Iba mapang lai merükmeju nüngdakba olen benoktsü.
“Ni taruba hopta “#hygiene cause in the #GlobalGoals”, nung ajemdaker UN General Assembly & #GlobalCitizen Festival nung lemsatepa adentsü sentong kanga pelaseta lemsateper,” ta Kajol-i Hombar nü twitter ajanga lemsatepogo.
Ajay Devgan kinüngtsü, Kajol General Assembly nung shilem agiba den külemi September 26 nü Beyonce, Pearl Jam aser Coldplay nungeri shilem agitsü aliba musical fest nunga adentsü.
Global Citizen Festival ya alima terenlok tsütsü nükjidong ayutsü tenzükba sentong ka lir aser tan United Nations senden nung ibaji tongtipang onük ka lir.
Iba senden nung Leonardo DiCaprio, Bono, Nobel Peace Prize angur Malala Yousafzai aser Bill Gates o Melinda Gates nungera adentsü osang angashiogo.
Lifebuoy’ indang ‘Help A Child Reach Five’ sentong nung advocate, Kajol ya yaküma United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) nung dena liasü.
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