Beijing, November 17 (Agencies): Nuclear nok-o-nü bener second ka nung kilometre 12 tashi keraa jajatettsüba hypersonic tayimtsü ka China-i yanglur aser iba tayimtsü ajanga minute 14 nung United States of America indang tzüküm tongtettsü.
Iba tayimtsü ya ola dang 35 ben agi tekeraba jajar aser China-i yangluba ‘wind tunnel’ nung tendangtsü, aser iba ya 2020 tashi nung hypersonic facility alima nung tekeratiba akümtsü lir.
Iba wind tunnel ya mima dang yanglur aser iba tunnel nung inyaker scientist kati South China Morning Post den jembidang, iba tunnel ajanga China indang hypersonic weapons development programme nung teyari tulu agütsütsü, ta ashi.
2013 küm nungi China-i hypersonic glider DF-ZF ya tenet tashi takok ngua tendanga lir. Iba tayimtsü ajanga alima ajunga nung minute eshika tsüngta missile aser nuclear nok-o-nü bener otettsü, ta ashir.
Iba tayimtsü ya Mach 5 aser Mach 10 tashi kera jajatettsü aser iba ya ola dang ponguben nungi terben tashi agi tekeraba lir.
Iba tayimtsü ya 2020 tashi nungbo amshitettsü, ta China indang secretive tunnel tasenba nung inyaker senior scientist Dr Zhao-i Couth China Morning Post dang ashi.
Iba tunnel ajanga China nunger indang hypersonic weapon development programme nung yaritsü, ta pai ashi.
Taoba küm eshika tsüngta China linük tiyongtsülena hypersonic craft tem tendangtsü asoshi modern wind tunnels ya aika amshia lir.
China aser United States of America tsüngta hypersonic tayimtsütem yangluba nung tokteper ama lir, ta professor Wu Dafang-i ashi. Dafang ya hypersonic heat shields nung mongin ka lir aser Beijing nung aliba Beihang University nung researcher ka lir.
Alima nung wind tunnel tulutiba ya Buffalo, New York nung aliba US LENX-X facility ya lir aser iba facility ya ghonda ka nung mile 22,000 (36,000 km/h) tashi tekera lir.
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