Kohima nung Vodafone 3G Service tenzükogo

Kohima, October 21 (TYO) : Vodafone India-i Mongulbarnü Kohima nung Superfast 3G service tenzüktsüogo aser iba ya Durga Puja sempet ama lir.
Kohima customer temi tang nungi 3G ajanga internet tekaraba nung amshitettsü, ta 3G network tenzüktsüba sentong nung Alok Verma, Business Head- Assam & North East, Vodafone India-i ashi.
Vodafone-i Assam aser North East circle nung 3G services agüja arur aser iba ya tanga operators den bilateral roaming agreements (ICR) ajanga lir. March 2015 auctions nung Vodafone India-i Assam & North East circle atema 2100 Mhz (3G) alizük.
Vodafone India-isa 3G Experience Card saya aser iba ya customer tem Vodafone 3G services nung internet tendanga amshitsü atema lir. Iba card ya khen dang amshitettsü aser iba nung 3G data 30 MB angati agütsür.
3G Experience Card ya anogo ka atema lir aser Kohima nung Vodafone Mini stores aser multi brand retail outlets ajak nung angutsü.
Vodafone-i Assam aser North East Circle nung shilem lemsar 3G network tenzüka aoer. Tawa tu parnoki Assam kübok Jorhat aser Arunachal Pradesh kübok Itanagar, Bomdila o Tawang nung 3G services tenzüktsüogo.
Assam aser North East Circle nung Vodafone India indang customer 4.6 million shi lir.

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