Lenovo-i Delhi aser Bengaluru nung nija service centre lapokogo

Bengaluru, December 17 (Agencies): China nunger company Lenovo-i India nung par customer tem nem tajangshiba tajung agütsütsü atema shinga dena meloktepi linük nung service centre lapkoktsüogo.

New Delhi aser Bengaluru nung lapokba service centre tem nung Lenovo desktops, notebooks aser tablets tem dak sentakba teyari agütsütsü, ta company sangdong ka ajanga metetdaktsü.

“Onoki oset dang yanglua liasü saka tangba nüburtem atema bilemtsüa parnok yaritsü asoshi item centre tem ya lapoker. Oset ayokba sülen ano teinyaktsü jenti adokba onoki meteta arur,” ta Lenovo India nung executive director (services) Sudipto Ghosh-i ashi.

“Tan mezüng süa lapokba service centre tem ajanga tamshirtem nem Lenovo-i technology tsütsü teyari agütsütettsü,” ta pai ashi.

Asia-Pacific nung Lenovo meyong service centre mezüngbubaji tan India nung lapokba ya lir.

Item service centre nung Lenovo amshirtemi online ajanga parnok timtem benoktettsü aser telangzükba angutsü asoshi mapang tejangja metetpelatettsü.

Tarutsü nung item service centre tem ajanga Lenovo oset aser warranty talila ayok tenzüktsü.

Tablets aser smartphones tsütsü ajaki meteta aliba Lenovo company-i “Lencare” app ka sayaogo.

“Lencare” app ya Google Play store nung lir aser iba ya ajanga parnok oset amshirtemi pei amshiba oset register süteter aser oset raksaba yanglutsü asoshi teyari nguteter.

Linük nung tang lenovo-i tangar den lokteper lapokba service centres 200 tashi lir.

“Tarutsü mapang tem nung Lenovo-i ano maneni jirola service centre tem lapokyonga aotsü,” ta kasa sangdong ajanga metetdaktsü.

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