Longleng nung special camps agitsü

Longleng, Tsüklai/February 23, 2019 (TYO): Longleng Deputy Commissioner & District Election Officer-i sangdong ka ajanga, Election Commission of India (ECI) tetuyuba nung ajemdaker February 23-24, 2019 anogotem nung vote agutsütsü atema temsüa lir ser nung electoral roll nung tenüng mezüluoki alirtem atema 49 A/C Tamlu aser 50 A/C Longleng kübok polling station ajak nung special camps ayongzüka agitsü, ta metetdaktsü.
Lok Sabha, 2019 General elections temelung nung yur electoral roll nung tenüng malirtem nem maongka aguja iba sentong ya campaign mode nung agitsü, ta kasa sangdong ajanga metetdaktsü.
Anungji polling stations nung Booth Level Officers (BLOs)-i special camps nungji yariteptsü aser vote agutsütsüpurtemi peipei polling station nung special camp semdanga electoral rolls nung pei tenüng züluoka ali-mali reprangtsü mepishir, ta kasa sangdong nung shia lir.

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