Manipur nung election anogotem ‘Dry Days’ asütsü

Imphal, March 31 (Agencies): Lok Sabha elections agitsü mapang atongba mapang ka nung Manipur excise department-i, April 11, April 18 (election anogotem) aser May 23 (vote azüngba anogo) anogotem ‘dry days’ asütsü, ta sangdongogo.
State sorkaria election agiba anogotemji sodi anogotem asütsü, ta sangdong.
State nung Lok Sabha menden ana atema election April 11 (Outer Manipur (ST) Parliamentary Constituency) aser April 18 (Inner Manipur Parliamentary Constituency) na nung agitsü. Item anogo asem ya “Dry Day” asütsü, ta state excise dept.-i metetdaktsü.
Excise department-i ashiba agi, Representation of People Act kübok Arrla 135C aser Eastern Bengal Assam Excise Act 1910 kübok Arrla 17(3) nung aliba tashi amshia item anogotem ya ‘dry days’ ta sangdonger.
Item anogotem nung yi tapu balala ayokba, alemba memelatsü aser chiyungba kitem, tavern, dokan mesüra tanga tesem ajak nung item ama temesepba yi aser mozütema memelatsü, ta kasa sangdong nung shia lir.
Exempted categories densema liquor license holders ajak iba tenokdangba agi alentsü, ta sangdong nung shia lir.
Manipur Liquor Prohibition Act 1991 aser Manipur Liquor Prohibition Rule 1994 ajanga state nung Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) yi, beer aser distilled illicit country liquor ayoktsü memelar.
Item ozüng liaka state excise department-i ‘Dry Day’ sangdonger.
Ano külen Manipur sorkari April 11 nü Outer Manipur Parliamentary Constituency kübok sorkar office ajak den shisaliok rejutem, public sector undertakings aser state sorkar kübok tanga establishments ajak sodi anogo asütsü ta metetdaktsüogo; yamaji April 18 nü Inner Manipur Parliamentary constituency küboka kasa office aser rejutem sodi anogo asütsü.
State sorkarisa April 11 nü Outer PC kübok banks ajak, financial institutions aser LIC sodi anogo asütsü metetdaktsü; yamaji April 18 nü Inner PC kübok item rejutem sodi anogo asütsü metetdaktsüogo.

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