NCSU lokti senden den pre Christmas alitsü

Dimapur, December 12 (TYO): Nagaland Contractors’ & Suppliers’ Union (NCSU) head office Kohima-i December 15, 2017 nü Annual General Meeting cum Pre Christmas sentong alitsü ayongogo.
Annual General sendenji anüngdang 12:00 ako nung NCSU conference hall nung alitsü aser Pre Christmas sentongji nikongdang 4:00 ako nung Hotel Ura, PR Hill Kohima nung alitsü. Anungji, NCSU züngsem ajak arua adentsü mepishir, ta NCSU president, Pele Khezhie aser General Secretary, John Kath nati sangdong nung shia lir.

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