Ni film nung Vladimir Putin shilem aginer: Leonardo

Vladimir Putin-LeonardoJanuary 18, 2016: Hollywood actor Leonardo Dicaprio-i, pai film nung Russia Tir, Vladimir Putin ama shilem aginer, ta ashi.

“Wolf of Wall Street” film nung tongti shilem agisang Leonardo-i “The Revenant” nung nung Hugh Glass shilem agiba ajanga tenüngsang kanga nguogo, aser maneni pai shilem tajung agitsü atema yongyya lia pai Russia lenir shilem aginerta shiogo, ta Vulture online ajanga ashi.

Arishi küm 41 Leonardo-i, “Putin shilem agitsüji kangasa jangratemtsüka asütsü. Ni pa ama shilem, aginer,” ta ashi.

Leobnardo DiCaprio-i 2010 küm Russia Tir Putin den külemi inyaksema lir aser Siberian Tiger (keyi tapu ka) kümzüka ayutsü atema awareness agüsüba senden ka nunga tena ajurutepa liasü.

“Keyi tulu kümzüka ayutsü atema kü indang Foundation nungi project aika atema senotsü agütsüogo. Putin küna yimtenren atema masü saka item ama jangratemtsü shiruru kümzüka ayutsü indang jembia liasü,” ta Titanic film nung tongti shilem agisang Leonardo-isa ashi.

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