North East nung space technology ajanga teyari angutsü imlar : Zeliang

Kohima, April 6 (TYO) : Terenlok bener aruba aser space technology amshiba ajanga North East tesem senzüka yutsüba aser tangar den tesentaktep pilar aliba timtemtem agientsü imlar, ta Nagaland Chief Minister TR Zeliang
“Internet ajanga tangar den tepila aliba, meta talangka pilar aliba aser connectivity mejungi aliba khurettem koktettsü. North East nung alirtemi broadband Internet connectivity ajanga teyari tulu angutsü” ta TR Zeliang-isa ashi.
Bodbar nikongtsütsü Capital Convention Centre, Kohima nung “State Level Meet on Promoting Use of Space Technology and Application in Governance and Development” sentong nung Chief Minister-i iba onük jembi.
Iba sentong ya Nagaland GIS & Remote Sensing Centre-i Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) aser North East Space Application Centre (NESAC), Department of Space, Government of India na den yaritepa ayongzük.
“Space scientist tetenzükertem dang asenoki kanga pelatsüla kechiyong parnoki space technology indang nükjidong tulu yur mapa inyakba tanü asangsang nung atalokogo. Tanü kaket aser library tem dena data aser information balala internet ajanga asenoki amshir” ta Nagaland CM-i ashi.
Nagaland nunga space technology application aika nung terenlok nguyonga arudar aser itemji GIS, Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, Location Based Services (LBS), Health, Education, Disaster Management, Vehicle Tracking, e-learning, 3D Terrain Modelling, natural resource & land use mappings, weather reports & forecasting nung lir, ta chief minister-isa metetdaktsü.
State sorkar kübok department temi space technology amshia ketdangsüba maparen nung mapa tulu inyaktsü ayongzüker, ta paisa ashi.
Iba sentong nung line department 37-i shilem agi aser Nagaland nung space technology atema tongtipang onük 102 ajiteta olemtep.
Iba dak sendakba nung sen crore 120 shi amshia mapa inyaktsü atema concept notes & proposals adenba tezüluba ka India sorkar dangi abentsü renem.

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