North Korea-i US amaktsü amokmerener

North Korea, August 16 (Agencies): Hombar nü nungi tenzüka U.S nungeri ‘multinational military exercises’ tenzüktsü aliba manenra U.S den tashi tulu agi raratsü, ta North Korea-i metetdaktsüogo.
“Korea peninsula nung teti linük kümzükba mapa nung renema alitsü asoshi South Korea-i küm shia ‘Ulchi Freedom Guardian’ exercise ya United States aser U.S den lokteper aliba linüktem den agir,” ta Korea-U.S. Combined Forces Command sangdong ka ajanga ashi.
“Ulchi Freedom Guardian ya military exercise rongnung tesashitiba lir aser Democratic People’s Republic of Korea-i iba ya kanga nendaka agidaktsü,” ta Honibar nü North Korea National Defense Commission (NDC) nung otongdar-i ashi.
“Tangbo North Korea ya tesüiba mapang ama tashi mait masü, parnok dak United States anema nokdaktsü tashi lir. Parnoki US oa amaktsü amokmerener,” ta state television osang ka ajanga sangdonga liasü.
“U.S-i par linük kümzüka yunera ‘Ulchi Freedom Guardian’ tangsa anenadoktsüla,” ta state TV station, KCNA nung osang azünger tetsür kati ashi.

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