Sen crore 1 den teimba jenjang yi aser mozütem raksa endok

YiDimapur, November 29 (TYO) : Mongulbarnü Excise Directorate, Dimapur nung judiciary, district administration, Municipal aser civil society tem nungi teshimtet nübotem adenshia lia, sen crore 1 dak nungi teimba jenjang yi aser ozüngi nokdanga aliba mozütem raksa endokogo.
Tanü raksa endokba yi aser mozütemji ita 10 tsüngda Excise department kübok Narcotic Cell, Mobile Squad aser District Excise temi apuba liasü.
Iba sentong nung Excise & Land Resources Parliamentary secretary, B.S. Nganlang Phom aden aser pai ashiba agi, asen loktiliba nungi iba khuret agientsüba ya Excise department indang tebilemtsü dang masü saka nisung ajaki shilem agitsüla.
Department nung metokmeperi aika liaka, Excise ketdangsertemi parnok taküm bendanga agütsür ozüng alema yi aser mozü shibelenertem aputsü atema mapa inyaker. Iba mapa ya kanga tasak lir, anungji tanü raksa endokba yi aser mozütem apuba nisungtem nem tenüngsang agütsür, ta Nganlang Phom-isa ashi.
Sentong nung Commissioner of Excise, Tarep Imchen-ia o jembidang, Parliamentary secretary-i department nung metokmeperi alibatem reprangshimtsü atema mepishi.
May nungi October 2016 tsüngda District Excise-i IMFL bottle 2392, spasmoproxyvon süngjang 53835 aser nitrosun süngjang 125 apu. Item dak sendakba nung ken o 435 benok aser sen 12,86,000 senchi achi.
Narcotic Cell-ia January nungi October 2016 tsüngda IMFL bottle 28078 apu aser item asoshi ken o 1025 tashi benok. Ken o balala nungi sen 10,82,000 senchi achi.
Iba mapang nungsa ganja seret 2080, Spasmoproxyvon süngjang 75,267, nitrosun süngjang 10082 aser Elturex (Cough Syrup) bottle 1861 apu.

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