Simon Cowell-i ‘America’s Got Talent’ nung shilem agitsü

Simon CowellSeptember 17, 2015: Tv Show sentong ‘America’s Got Talent’ nung tetendanger, Howard Stern-i iba sentong toktsüba yong iba sentong executive producer Simon Cowell iba sentong nung tetendanger ama shilem agitsü, ta osang ka ajanga ashi.

Simon Phillip Cowell ya tang English television sempet tetendanger aser tesayur lir aser iba show nung pa co-creator lir. Tang pa U.K. version, Britain’s Got Talent nung tetendanger lir, ajisüaka pai America’s got talent nunga tetendanger ama shilem agitsü.

Osang ka ajanga Britain nunger The Sun osangkaket dang, “Simon-i America nung maneni shilem aginer. Iba show ya pa atema lir aser NBC-i maongka agütsüba tulutiba lir ama pai bilemer. Tang pai tejen tenangzüktep (American Idol) toktsüogo, anungji pai tetendanger telok nung adentsü akok,” ta ashi.

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