Taoba mapang India nungi asayar nem teyari agütsütsü

New Delhi, March 09 (Agencies): Minister of State (I/C) for Youth Affairs & sports, Vijay Goel-i, tanü taoba mapang India nunger ‘international medal’ angur küm 30 ser temapur; aser asaya nungi anener alirtem nem ‘Scheme of Sports fund for Pension to Meritorious Sportspersons’ kübok pension agütsütsü, ta Lok Sabha nung metetdaktsü.
Senotsü agi yariba dang masü saka asayar shirnoki taoba mapang nung linük asoshi konang nüngsang bener arutsü, parnok nem ‘Scheme of National Welfare Fund for Sportspersons’ kübok aliba teyari ajak agütsütsü, ta tezüluba nung pai agütsü.
Sorkar kübok asayartem atema ‘welfare schemes’ ajak densa apir mapang shia reprangshir, saka tawa senotsü teyari aser asayartem atema pension reprangshitsü asoshi kecha benoka mali.

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