Vijender-i France nunger Matiouze Royer den tsüngteptsü

London, April 12 (Agencies): India nunger professional (Pro) tsüngteper, Vijender Singh-i France nunger Matiouze Royer den tan April ita 30 nü tsüngteptsü lemzükogo.
Taoba tetoktepba 4 prongla knockout yimya ajanga takok angusang, Vijender-i toktepa tsüngteper rong nung arishi küm 29 tain Royer ya tsüngteper tajungtiba lir.
France southwest tsütsülen, Bayonne nung alir Royer ya tar feet 6 talang lir aser pai 44 ben tashi toktepa tsüngtepdang 14 tashi takok ngua lir.
Royer-i round 250 tashi nung toktepa tsüngtepdanga lir saka Vijender-bo tanü tashi nung round 9 tashi nung dang shilem agia lir.
Arishi küm 30 tain Vijender-i Royer madak London nung takok ngua tsüngteper külen Bolton nunga taruba May ita takok ngua tsüngtepba sülen India-i June ita arua toktepa tsüngteptsü alizüng yua lir.
Vijender-i India nung June ita 11 nü WBO Asia title belt atema tsüngteptsü asoshi anogo lateta lir saka pa den toktepa tsüngteptsü tsüngteperbo tanü tashi shima mali.

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